

  1. 鋁壓鑄件(Aluminum Die Castings)

    • 製造方法:鋁壓鑄件是通過在高壓下將熔融鋁注入金屬模具中形成的。這種製造過程能夠生產出較為複雜的形狀和細節,但同時也容易產生毛邊。
    • 去毛邊方法:對於鋁壓鑄件,通常會使用機械研磨或化學處理的方法去除毛邊。機械研磨可以使用砂輪或其他研磨工具,將毛邊徹底去除。化學處理則是利用特殊的化學溶液將毛邊溶解或軟化,然後進行清洗。
  2. 鑄鐵件(Cast Iron Components)

    • 製造方法:鑄鐵件是通過將熔化的鐵注入模具中形成的。與鋁壓鑄件相比,鑄鐵件的製造過程較為簡單,但同樣容易產生毛邊。
    • 去毛邊方法:鑄鐵件的去毛邊方法與鋁壓鑄件類似,主要包括機械研磨和化學處理。然而,由於鑄鐵的硬度較高,可能需要使用更堅硬的研磨工具或更強力的化學處理方法來處理毛邊。


Aluminum die castings and cast iron parts are two common metal manufacturing materials. They are different in process and properties, so the methods of deburring will also be different.

Aluminum Die Castings:

Manufacturing Method: Aluminum die castings are formed by injecting molten aluminum into a metal mold under high pressure. This manufacturing process can produce more complex shapes and details, but is also prone to burrs.
Deburring method: For aluminum die castings, mechanical grinding or chemical treatment is usually used to remove burrs. Mechanical grinding can use grinding wheels or other grinding tools to completely remove burrs. Chemical treatment uses a special chemical solution to dissolve or soften the burrs, and then cleans them.
Cast Iron Components:

Manufacturing Method: Iron castings are formed by pouring molten iron into a mold. Compared with aluminum die castings, the manufacturing process of cast iron parts is simpler, but it is also prone to burrs.
Deburring method: The deburring method of iron castings is similar to that of aluminum die castings, mainly including mechanical grinding and chemical treatment. However, due to the higher hardness of cast iron, harder abrasive tools or more aggressive chemical treatments may be required to remove burrs.
In general, although both aluminum die castings and cast iron parts require deburring to improve their surface quality and accuracy, due to their different material properties and manufacturing methods, the deburring methods used will also be different.


26 三月 2019




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